Friday, August 22, 2008

I made it

As one can infer from my blogspot title, I am not the happy, sappy sahm-type. I wish I could look at each moment with my kids as a gift to treasure, but I think we go for quality instead of quantity, otherwise it's not so quality :) I'm exagerating a bit but anyhoo...Eric went out of town Sunday afternoon for training and returns tonight (Friday). Now, this is not such a long period of time, I am aware. I think of my friend, Andie, who goes for months without her husband when he is deployed, or even my sister-in-law whose husband is often gone during the week for work. However, as previously mentioned, I am not one of those super moms. So, this was the longest I've been as the sole parent day-in/day-out without school or work to save me. Do I sound like the worst mom ever? Nah, just more honest than most. I was afraid I'd get stuck in my depression or the tv (which happened at times) but for the most part I'd say we had a pretty enjoyable week.


lazy day & I cheated - went to my book group for a couple of hours

with friends

25 cent show

Rainy day so...
pork chops for when Eric gets home

And the whole time we've also been working on

lol. he's almost 3 1/2 and would never be potty trained if it were up to him. We've had some accidents but also some successes so I'm pretty happy and proud of my little man.

Friday, August 15, 2008

summer birthdays

We recently got to visit my sister and her son who turned 4! Time goes by so quickly - never thought I'd be one to say that but it's so true! Here are some fun pictures from Dylan's party!

the birthday boy, himself
my lovely niece, ava, who is related on eric's side but still was included in the festivities cause my sister is sweet like that
my silly boy, leo, loved the water gun fights
and lyra, getting tickled by dad - i love those real laughing shots!