Thursday, September 6, 2007

testing this thing out...

so, today wasn't all that eventful. if you know anything about my recent situation then you know that this is good news. no nausea! hala-freakin-lula! i switched from cymbalta (that was supposed to cure the withdrawal from effexor but had it's own god-awful side effects) back to prozac. whew. not as effective with mood but so much nicer on the stomach, head, etc. my dear friend tammy recommended b-12 subligually and i swear that addition helps, even if it's only in my head. because isn't all of this "only in my head," anyway? but now i am back to those strange, unpleasant thoughts upon waking in the middle of the night. it's as if i am not completely in my body and my subconsious is more awake than my consious and it's telling me odd things about this life state. weird, i know. not sure how better to relay that thought's like (and again, not sure if anyone else feels this way) when you are in awful pain or severe illness and you just can't think of anything positive. i have never been able to master the fine art of meditation but one aspect that i utilize, that i try to do when i am in these midnight trances, is deep breathing and attempting to avoid latching on to the negative thoughts...

well, that's all for now. gotta eat a grilled cheese and prepare for the double eviction on bb8 tonight! ;)

1 comment:

Angela DeRossett said...

Ahhh... I heard effexor had horrible withdrawals. That scares me! Hope you are feeling much, much better now!!