Thursday, July 12, 2012


4 years since my last post?! I don't even know how that's possible. I've made a new commitment to myself to keep a gratitude journal. Perhaps I will attempt to post more interesting things at times but at minimum, I will note my gratefuls for the day. The purpose is to stay mindful and present rather than future trip or dwell in the past. For every negative thing in my life, there are probably 100 positives and my perspective will dictate how moody I am. :)

1. my husband took all 3 kids to their destinations today - that is my number 1 stressor, most days so goddess bless him
2. Stephen King's Duma Key is amazing
3. maintenance Mike installed a keyboard tray to help save my wrists
4. air conditioned office
5. peers to vent my frustrations to when groups go awry
6. Sawyer got his cast off yesterday!!
7. no groups to run today
8. sunny outside

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