Wednesday, April 23, 2008

just a thought...

Something occurred to me today. Teachers have to take continuing education courses because times change, new ideas are introduced and old ways are improved, right? I don’t know about anyone else, but I am constantly trying to learn and understand more…about everything – child rearing, cooking, current events, psychology, and on and on…What’s different about religion or spirituality? Change and adaptations are necessary to live a contemporary life. Didn’t Jesus prove that by his teachings? He wasn’t born to start a new religion. He wanted to improve upon old ideas and beliefs (at least, that’s my interpretation of Jesus, etc.). I’m wondering why a new book would be considered a fad. Every idea was new once. Although, Tolle’s ideas are far from new (well, somewhat new to the West). I have no doubt that the popularity of this book will die down but that won’t mean that it didn’t offer something worthwhile.

I don’t know why I am taking this subject so personally. Tolle, himself, wouldn’t sweat it. I am not so enlightened. :) I think I will understand Andie’s arguments because she recognizes that it’s good for some. I just don’t like all the judgment when it’s such a peaceful book. It’s like the shy, tiny kid who loves everyone and wouldn’t hurt a bug, but he gets bullied simply because he is so small.


Angela DeRossett said...

Hi Courtney!

Jason and I were discussing this comment yesterday and he had some great things to say on the subject that might shed some light on why we believe as we do. I hope this helps and doesn't sadden you further!

I would have to completely agree with you on the issue of continued education where teachers, professors, etc are concerned. We constantly improve or change our theories and accepted beliefs where education on all subjects is concerned based on new findings and the existence of situations that would make older previously accepted theories false or not true under all circumstances. I too am constantly trying to learn new things to better understand the world at hand. Most all religions do have some similar characteristics and core beliefs. I cannot dispute that and could see how someone would also be able to say that some religions are really nothing more than a adaptation of another previously existing religion based on another’s (new or different) understanding of that religion. You can see a great example of this in the evolution of the Lutheran church founded by Martin Luther. He was a Catholic Priest, on the fast track up the ranks of the church, during a period of gross corruption where the church’s teaching were scare tactics used for the purpose of drawing in more funds from the public. Martin Luther decided that God was more about love than scare tactics and broke away from the church in a time that could have easily cost him his life to start his new teachings, which at the time were based on the same books of the bible that the Catholics were using. The Christian religions and the catholic religions all use the Bible as their source of teaching or inspiration. Each of these religions have decided which of the ‘books’ in the Bible they will follow or are valid teachings. I, with my beliefs, would not call this book (the one by Tolle)good for anyone. I do however respect each person’s ability to choose which beliefs they will follow. While I have not read this book yet, I do have concerns based on my current understanding of the message is has to offer. I think this book stands to only further the moral degradation of our society. It sounds like this book with its’ teachings could do this at an alarming rate if it were to gain momentum. I am Baptist, this is to say I believe in what some would a literal ‘no nonsense’ interpretation of the Bible. Therefore anything that would seem to make people feel ok with losing or ignoring their conscience is not a teaching I can support. The teachings of the Bible and many other religions would not allow for this. They all seem to have a pretty well defined set of moral laws that one must at least try to follow in order to belong to the religion. I would welcome new books or teachings that stand to actually better society. I however do not consider giving people excuses for their actions or thoughts as bettering society. This book also seems to claim to be a companion to the Bible based on a very loose and skewed interpretation of it. This is what makes it bad in my opinion. I will be able to make specific examples after I have read it. In the end, this really comes down to: What do you believe. We each have to choose which book or religion we will follow. The only way to follow these is to truly believe what they are saying, and when you have come to that decision you must stand behind what you believe even when it is not necessarily the popular thing to do. In addition I would think that you would also want to help dispel anything that came along that tried to changed your religion based on that skewed understanding of a book or set of books that has been dissected time and time again with its current greatest proponents have been in the past some of its greatest skeptics.

courtney said...

i knew i shouldn't have used the word religion since i don't see this as any type of religion...after you read it, you will see that there is no mention of leaving behind your conscience. living by your conscience NOW keeps you from making poor choices so you aren't polluted by regret and guilt later. i would call that pretty christian.

i wouldn't like to see an idea grow into common practice if it went against my "religion," but that new belief would have to promote violence, suffering, inequality, etc. to be so bad that i couldn't try to learn something from it...

i am interested to read the "literal" interpretations of the bible in the discussion. is tammy going to post? she is much more knowledgable on the subject. i need some help, i can see. :)

no, it doesn't make me sad to hear your side at all. mostly, it's comments that seem very blanket in nature that sadden me a bit. not because everyone needs to believe my way but because i want people to feel connected and when you are closed to new ideas, it's impossible to be connected to each other.