Thursday, May 22, 2008

tree of life

Like religion, spirituality, education, etc., I tend to take what is meaningful to me and leave the rest. And so it goes with the tree of life. I love the phrase tree of life and the English major in me loves to analyze those words and images. What came about for me is pretty simple. Trees are full of symbolism. They are life, they produce life and sustenance. Like women, they are life givers, mothers. That resonates with me so I put the goddess in the tree to illustrate the feminine of my tree of life. She is next to Lyra & Leo because I gave birth to those lives. The tree has several branches that stem from the trunk but go in their own directions. The various parts of my life that add up to my whole self and aren’t defined alone or individually. I am not a mother only, or a wife only, etc. The leaves are red to humanize the tree – the blood of life. And more like some of the known descriptions of the tree of life, I am rooted in the earth but reach toward my spiritual self. So, that’s my tattoo. :)

This link gives brief descriptions of the tree of life in different cultures, religions, etc.


Angela DeRossett said...

Just beautiful! I love it!

courtney said...

aw, thanks!