Tuesday, May 6, 2008

bleepin' cold!

oh, how i dread the common cold! this week of all weeks to get it, too! i started my internship yesterday (when this cold began); i had to cancel kindergarten round-up for lyra cause i couldn't stop sneezing (today). how do you swallow the guilt you feel when they look so disappointed?
sad little girl
tomorrow, i have to begin my weekly drive to grand rapids (5 hours round-trip) for my practicum where i begin counseling actual clients in front of a two-way mirror! arg. i hope my friend airborne can work this time!
what can i learn from this? i think sickness is a body's way of saying, "hey! pay attention to me! slow down and notice how you are feeling. enjoy the healthy times and take the sick times as an opportunity to be present in the moment."
illness is pretty adamant that you take notice of the present moment! :)

1 comment:

Angela DeRossett said...

Hope you feel better soon! I have a cold too...I think I've hacked up half a lung this week!