Wednesday, August 8, 2012

speak up!

one of the messages i give again and again is the importance of being assertive. so many of us have the tendency to hide our emotions because we fear them. we fear that they are unimportant, wrong, or that they might anger others. I try to help clients understand and believe that they are important and worthy of respect, happiness, and love. We work together on how to express themselves appropriately but assertively. So, why is it when I feel affronted, my impulse is to shut down, shy away, and pretend nothing is wrong. What an eye-opener. I practiced, somewhat messily, my own advice yesterday and i'm  not sure it helped much. however, i will say that i didn't regret the words after they were out. i stand behind them. i just have to be prepared for whatever reaction might follow. how old am i? sheesh.

ever grateful, though -
  • my husband's unending love to me and our children
  • my cozy bed
  • big brother is on tonight
  • my work day allows me some alone time in the morning
  • temperatures are comfortable
  • books on tape (cd, actually)
  • the education my clients offer me each day


Kristie said...

I can relate! I think it can be especially hard for women to assert themselves...we get labeled so quickly and it can hurt! Thanks for your insight!

courtney said...

thanks Kristie!